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Dashu Daily Short Article HSK4-5: 泡饭| Free Article
Dashu Daily Short Article HSK4-5: 泡饭| Free Article
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Dashu Daily Shorty:泡饭click here to read,作者 璨叔
Nǐ yěxǔ chīguò pàofàn, dànshì nǐ kěndìng méiyǒu chīguò wǒ shuō de zhè zhǒng pàofàn.
吃过 - chī guò - to have eaten
肯定 - kěndìng - definitely
你 - nǐ - you
也许 - yěxǔ - may
泡饭 - pàofàn - soaked rice
没有 - méiyǒu - not have
说 - shuō - to say
这种 - zhè zhǒng - this kind
泡饭 - pàofàn - soaked rice
You may have eaten soaked rice, but you definitely haven't eaten the kind of soaked rice I'm talking about.
Yìbān pàofàn de zhìzuò dōu hěn jiǎndān, jiùshì yì wǎn fàn, ránhòu bǎ tāng wǎng shàngmiàn yì jiāo. Zhèyàng mǐfàn jiù huì xiàng pào zǎo yīyàng, zài yì wǎn tāng lǐ piāofú qǐlái.
制作 - zhìzuò - to make, production
简单 - jiǎndān - simple
碗 - wǎn - bowl
然后 - ránhòu - then
米饭 - mǐfàn - rice
像 - xiàng - like
泡澡 - pào zǎo - to take a bath
漂浮 - piāofú - to float
The preparation of usual soaked rice is quite simple, just a bowl of rice, then pour soup over it. This way, the rice will float in the soup like taking a bath.
Zhè shí nǐ jiù kěyǐ ná yī gè sháozi, dà kǒu dà kǒu de zhǎo zhe chī le. Tèbié shì tiānlěng de shíhòu, yì wǎn pàofàn chī xiàqù, quánshēn dōu nuǎn hōng hōng de.
勺子 - sháozi - spoon
大口 - dà kǒu - big mouthful
特别 - tèbié - especially
天冷 - tiānlěng - cold weather
时候 - shíhòu - time
全身 - quánshēn - whole body
暖 - nuǎn - warm
At this moment, you can take a spoon and eat it in big mouthfuls. Especially when it’s cold, a bowl of soaked rice will warm your whole body.
Dànshì wǒ shuō de zhè zhǒng pàofàn bù shì zhèyàng de. Wǒ shuō de zhè zhǒng pàofàn shì xiǎoshíhòu wǒ māmā chángcháng zuò de, shì dāng zǎofàn chī de.
常常 - chángcháng - often
早饭 - zǎofàn - breakfast
小时候 - xiǎoshíhòu - childhood
做 - zuò - to make
吃 - chī - to eat
But the soaked rice I’m talking about isn’t like that. The kind I’m talking about is the one my mom used to make when I was a child for breakfast.
Zǎofàn? Nǐ kěndìng hěn qíguài, hěn shǎo yǒu rén zǎofàn chī pàofàn ba?
奇怪 - qíguài - strange
很少 - hěn shǎo - very few
早饭 - zǎofàn - breakfast
Breakfast? You must think it’s strange. Very few people eat soaked rice for breakfast, right?
Shì de. Zhè shì yīnwèi qián yī tiān wǎnfàn de mǐfàn kěnéng méi chī wán, wǒ māmā huì liú zhe, dì èr tiān zǎoshàng kěyǐ yòng lái zuò pàofàn. Wǒ māmā de pàofàn bù shì jiǎndān de bǎ fàn pào zài tāng lǐ.
晚饭 - wǎnfàn - dinner
米饭 - mǐfàn - rice
可能 - kěnéng - maybe
没 - méi - not
吃完 - chī wán - finish eating
留着 - liú zhe - to keep
做 - zuò - to make
Yes. This is because the rice from the previous day's dinner might not have been finished, so my mom would keep it and use it for soaked rice the next morning. My mom's soaked rice wasn’t just rice soaked in soup.
Shǒuxiān, tā huì bǎ zhàotái de huǒ shāo qǐlái, jiēzhe yòng sháozi guā qǐ yīdiǎn diǎn báisè de zhū yóu, fàng rù guō lǐ, děng dào yóu yǒu yīdiǎn diǎn mào yān le, tā huì bǎ zhīqián qiē hǎo de báicài dào jìn guō lǐ, yòng chǎnzi fān chǎo, zhīhòu zài fàng yīxiē yán, yīxiē wèi jīng, yīxiē jiàng yóu tiáowèi, děng dào cài chǎo dé chà bù duō shú le, tā cái huì bǎ yī wǎn shèngfàn dào rù guō lǐ, bǎ fàn hé cài hùnhé zài yīqǐ, zuìhòu zài dào rù rè shuǐ, méi guò duōjiǔ, zhěnggè guō lǐ jiù huì kāishǐ gūdū gūdū de mào rèqì, fàn hěn kuài jiù huì xī mǎn tāng zhī, biàn dé bǎomǎn, ruǎn nuò.
灶台 - zhàotái - stove
勺子 - sháozi - spoon
刮 - guā - to scrape
白色 - báisè - white
猪油 - zhū yóu - lard
锅 - guō - pot
冒烟 - mào yān - to smoke
切 - qiē - to cut
白菜 - báicài - cabbage
倒 - dào - to pour
铲子 - chǎnzi - spatula
翻炒 - fānchǎo - to stir-fry
盐 - yán - salt
味精 - wèi jīng - MSG
酱油 - jiàng yóu - soy sauce
调味 - tiáo wèi - to season
熟 - shú - cooked
剩饭 - shèng fàn - leftover rice
混合 - hùn hé - to mix
热水 - rè shuǐ - hot water
咕嘟 - gūdū - bubbling
吸 - xī - to absorb
饱满 - bǎomǎn - full
软糯 - ruǎn nuò - soft and sticky
First, she would start the fire on the stove, then use a spoon to scrape a little white lard and put it into the pot. After the oil starts to smoke, she would add the chopped cabbage into the pot and stir-fry it with a spatula. Then, she would add some salt, MSG, and soy sauce to season it. When the cabbage is almost cooked, she would add a bowl of leftover rice into the pot and mix the rice and vegetables together. Finally, she would pour in some hot water, and soon the whole pot would start bubbling. The rice quickly absorbs the soup and becomes full and soft.
Děng dào nǐ kàn dào tāng zhī kuài bèi mǐ lì xī méi le, nǐ jiù kěyǐ bǎ pàofàn shèng chūlái le, jiālǐ dùnshí xiāngqì sì yì, xiǎoshíhòu de wǒ zhè shí dùzi jiù huì kāishǐ gū gū jiào le.
汤汁 - tāng zhī - soup
米粒 - mǐ lì - rice grain
盛 - shèng - to serve
顿时 - dùnshí - immediately
香气 - xiāngqì - fragrance
四溢 - sì yì - to spread in all directions
肚子 - dùzi - stomach
叫 - jiào - to call
When you see the soup being almost completely absorbed by the rice, you can serve the soaked rice. The fragrance fills the house, and my stomach would start growling just like when I was a child.
Zhǎngdà yǐhòu, wǒ yǐjīng hěn jiǔ méi chī guò wǒ māmā zuò de pàofàn le. Yǒu yītiān wǎnshàng mǐfàn zhēng duō le, méi chī wán, wǒ jiù yòng wǎn shèng qǐlái, yòng bǎo xiān mó gài hǎo, fàng dào bīngxiāng lǐ.
保鲜膜 - bǎo xiān mó - plastic wrap
冰箱 - bīngxiāng - refrigerator
After I grew up, I hadn't eaten my mom's soaked rice for a long time. One evening, I made too much rice and couldn’t finish it, so I put the leftovers in a bowl, covered it with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator.
Dì èr tiān zǎoshàng, tiān hái méi liàng, wǒ jiù kāishǐ gěi zìjǐ qiē cài zuò pàofàn. Yīnwèi wǒ yòng de shì méiqì zào, suǒyǐ méi guò duōjiǔ jiù zuò hǎo le.
切 - qiē - to cut
煤气灶 - méiqì zào - gas stove
The next morning, before the sun rose, I began cutting vegetables and making soaked rice for myself. Because I used a gas stove, it didn’t take long to finish.
Yī dà wǎn pàofàn a, wǒ zuìhòu jìngrán chī de gān gān jìng jìng!
干净 - gān jìng - clean
A big bowl of soaked rice, and in the end, I ate it all clean!
Zài nà yī shùnjiān, wǒ túrán xiǎng jiā le, jīnnián guònián huí qù, zhōngyú yòu kěyǐ chī shàng māmā zuò de fàn le.
瞬间 - shùnjiān - moment
想家 - xiǎng jiā - to miss home
过年 - guònián - New Year
In that moment, I suddenly missed home. This year, when I return for the New Year, I’ll finally be able to eat the food my mom makes again.
Nǐ yěxǔ chīguò pàofàn, dànshì nǐ kěndìng méiyǒu chīguò wǒ shuō de zhè zhǒng pàofàn.
吃過 - chī guò - to have eaten
肯定 - kěndìng - definitely
你 - nǐ - you
也許 - yěxǔ - may
泡飯 - pàofàn - soaked rice
沒有 - méiyǒu - not have
說 - shuō - to say
這種 - zhè zhǒng - this kind
泡飯 - pàofàn - soaked rice
You may have eaten soaked rice, but you definitely haven't eaten the kind of soaked rice I'm talking about.
Yìbān pàofàn de zhìzuò dōu hěn jiǎndān, jiùshì yì wǎn fàn, ránhòu bǎ tāng wǎng shàngmiàn yì jiāo. Zhèyàng mǐfàn jiù huì xiàng pào zǎo yīyàng, zài yì wǎn tāng lǐ piāofú qǐlái.
製作 - zhìzuò - to make, production
簡單 - jiǎndān - simple
碗 - wǎn - bowl
然後 - ránhòu - then
米飯 - mǐfàn - rice
像 - xiàng - like
泡澡 - pào zǎo - to take a bath
漂浮 - piāofú - to float
The preparation of usual soaked rice is quite simple, just a bowl of rice, then pour soup over it. This way, the rice will float in the soup like taking a bath.
Zhè shí nǐ jiù kěyǐ ná yī gè sháozi, dà kǒu dà kǒu de zhǎo zhe chī le. Tèbié shì tiānlěng de shíhòu, yì wǎn pàofàn chī xiàqù, quánshēn dōu nuǎn hōng hōng de.
勺子 - sháozi - spoon
大口 - dà kǒu - big mouthful
特別 - tèbié - especially
天冷 - tiānlěng - cold weather
時候 - shíhòu - time
全身 - quánshēn - whole body
暖 - nuǎn - warm
At this moment, you can take a spoon and eat it in big mouthfuls. Especially when it’s cold, a bowl of soaked rice will warm your whole body.
Dànshì wǒ shuō de zhè zhǒng pàofàn bù shì zhèyàng de. Wǒ shuō de zhè zhǒng pàofàn shì xiǎoshíhòu wǒ māmā chángcháng zuò de, shì dāng zǎofàn chī de.
常常 - chángcháng - often
早飯 - zǎofàn - breakfast
小時候 - xiǎoshíhòu - childhood
做 - zuò - to make
吃 - chī - to eat
But the soaked rice I’m talking about isn’t like that. The kind I’m talking about is the one my mom used to make when I was a child for breakfast.
Zǎofàn? Nǐ kěndìng hěn qíguài, hěn shǎo yǒu rén zǎofàn chī pàofàn ba?
奇怪 - qíguài - strange
很少 - hěn shǎo - very few
早飯 - zǎofàn - breakfast
Breakfast? You must think it’s strange. Very few people eat soaked rice for breakfast, right?
Shì de. Zhè shì yīnwèi qián yī tiān wǎnfàn de mǐfàn kěnéng méi chī wán, wǒ māmā huì liú zhe, dì èr tiān zǎoshàng kěyǐ yòng lái zuò pàofàn. Wǒ māmā de pàofàn bù shì jiǎndān de bǎ fàn pào zài tāng lǐ.
晚飯 - wǎnfàn - dinner
米飯 - mǐfàn - rice
可能 - kěnéng - maybe
沒 - méi - not
吃完 - chī wán - finish eating
留著 - liú zhe - to keep
做 - zuò - to make
Yes. This is because the rice from the previous day's dinner might not have been finished, so my mom would keep it and use it for soaked rice the next morning. My mom's soaked rice wasn’t just rice soaked in soup.
Shǒuxiān, tā huì bǎ zhàotái de huǒ shāo qǐlái, jiēzhe yòng sháozi guā qǐ yīdiǎn diǎn báisè de zhū yóu, fàng rù guō lǐ, děng dào yóu yǒu yīdiǎn diǎn mào yān le, tā huì bǎ zhīqián qiē hǎo de báicài dào jìn guō lǐ, yòng chǎnzi fān chǎo, zhīhòu zài fàng yīxiē yán, yīxiē wèi jīng, yīxiē jiàng yóu tiáowèi, děng dào cài chǎo dé chà bù duō shú le, tā cái huì bǎ yī wǎn shèngfàn dào rù guō lǐ, bǎ fàn hé cài hùnhé zài yīqǐ, zuìhòu zài dào rù rè shuǐ, méi guò duōjiǔ, zhěnggè guō lǐ jiù huì kāishǐ gūdū gūdū de mào rèqì, fàn hěn kuài jiù huì xī mǎn tāng zhī, biàn dé bǎomǎn, ruǎn nuò.
灶台 - zhàotái - stove
勺子 - sháozi - spoon
刮 - guā - to scrape
白色 - báisè - white
豬油 - zhū yóu - lard
鍋 - guō - pot
冒煙 - mào yān - to smoke
切 - qiē - to cut
白菜 - báicài - cabbage
倒 - dào - to pour
鏟子 - chǎnzi - spatula
翻炒 - fānchǎo - to stir-fry
鹽 - yán - salt
味精 - wèi jīng - MSG
醬油 - jiàng yóu - soy sauce
調味 - tiáo wèi - to season
熟 - shú - cooked
剩飯 - shèng fàn - leftover rice
混合 - hùn hé - to mix
熱水 - rè shuǐ - hot water
咕嘟 - gūdū - bubbling
吸 - xī - to absorb
飽滿 - bǎomǎn - full
軟糯 - ruǎn nuò - soft and sticky
First, she would start the fire on the stove, then use a spoon to scrape a little white lard and put it into the pot. After the oil starts to smoke, she would add the chopped cabbage into the pot and stir-fry it with a spatula. Then, she would add some salt, MSG, and soy sauce to season it. When the cabbage is almost cooked, she would add a bowl of leftover rice into the pot and mix the rice and vegetables together. Finally, she would pour in some hot water, and soon the whole pot would start bubbling. The rice quickly absorbs the soup and becomes full and soft.
Děng dào nǐ kàn dào tāng zhī kuài bèi mǐ lì xī méi le, nǐ jiù kěyǐ bǎ pàofàn shèng chūlái le, jiālǐ dùnshí xiāngqì sì yì, xiǎoshíhòu de wǒ zhè shí dùzi jiù huì kāishǐ gū gū jiào le.
湯汁 - tāng zhī - soup
米粒 - mǐ lì - rice grain
盛 - shèng - to serve
頓時 - dùnshí - immediately
香氣 - xiāngqì - fragrance
四溢 - sì yì - to spread in all directions
肚子 - dùzi - stomach
叫 - jiào - to call
When you see the soup being almost completely absorbed by the rice, you can serve the soaked rice. The fragrance fills the house, and my stomach would start growling just like when I was a child.
Zhǎngdà yǐhòu, wǒ yǐjīng hěn jiǔ méi chī guò wǒ māmā zuò de pàofàn le. Yǒu yītiān wǎnshàng mǐfàn zhēng duō le, méi chī wán, wǒ jiù yòng wǎn shèng qǐlái, yòng bǎo xiān mó gài hǎo, fàng dào bīngxiāng lǐ.
保鮮膜 - bǎo xiān mó - plastic wrap
冰箱 - bīngxiāng - refrigerator
After I grew up, I hadn't eaten my mom's soaked rice for a long time. One evening, I made too much rice and couldn’t finish it, so I put the leftovers in a bowl, covered it with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator.
Dì èr tiān zǎoshàng, tiān hái méi liàng, wǒ jiù kāishǐ gěi zìjǐ qiē cài zuò pàofàn. Yīnwèi wǒ yòng de shì méiqì zào, suǒyǐ méi guò duōjiǔ jiù zuò hǎo le.
切 - qiē - to cut
煤氣灶 - méiqì zào - gas stove
The next morning, before the sun rose, I began cutting vegetables and making soaked rice for myself. Because I used a gas stove, it didn’t take long to finish.
Yī dà wǎn pàofàn a, wǒ zuìhòu jìngrán chī de gān gān jìng jìng!
乾淨 - gān jìng - clean
A big bowl of soaked rice, and in the end, I ate it all clean!
Zài nà yī shùnjiān, wǒ túrán xiǎng jiā le, jīnnián guònián huí qù, zhōngyú yòu kěyǐ chī shàng māmā zuò de fàn le.
瞬間 - shùnjiān - moment
想家 - xiǎng jiā - to miss home
過年 - guònián - New Year
In that moment, I suddenly missed home. This year, when I return for the New Year, I’ll finally be able to eat the food my mom makes again.